

Why you Should Plan a Family Trip & How to Make The Most of it

Why you Should Plan a Family Trip & How to Make The Most of it

Why you Should Plan a Family Trip & How to Make The Most of it Posted: 2017-01-19

Yes, please, traveling solo is the next big thing around the world – they are all talking & writing about it. However, we at Trinetra are still bullish on family trips where the whole family gathers & make that very moment an auspicious one.  While doing our research for this blog, we found out many families have this notion that a family trip would be better “when our kids get older”.  We believe, it’s a myth. You just need to set some ground rules and plan it right to make the most of your vacation even with your little ones. A family trip can also be a learning experience in many ways and strengthen the family bonds.  

Here's why we recommend taking a family trip if you haven't taken one lately:

1. A reflection of your beliefs, values and ideas –  it is true that when you do something special for your family, it conveys an immortal love towards them and they return it back with unconditional respect as well as support. You would also want  your next generation know about your idea of having a vacation, fun and exploring new things.

2. Know the other side of each other – When landscape changes you get to understand and appreciate each other in a whole different light like you haven’t before. Your family will be intrigued and you will have conversations about many valuable aspects of life which you hadn't anticipated and otherwise wouldn't get a chance to explain to or discuss with your children.

3. Strengthen your bond – Travel allows you to develop a strong bond with your children and other family members. You can involve everyone in deciding the place, packing your bags, choosing accommodation, choosing the activities, etc. We believe, life is all about making beautiful memories because when in life the going gets tough these memories will help us fight through the roughest of times.  

4. Cultural exchange and new experience for kids and you – Travelling unquestionably lets your children become a global citizen because they get a chance to understand different cultures and traditions. It will be an experience of a lifetime for them as they unravel a new place, its people, food, language, religions and their different cultural practices. It creates awareness of the world around them would make them better human beings.

There is a lot more about travelling with your family that cannot be put into words. The simple pleasures of life -  you share the joys and snags; you stay together and eat together. These are the opportunities you would miss otherwise going through the rigmarole of your day to day life. Trust, it is going to be an amazing experience for all of you. All you need is to take care of a few things such as:

  1. Plan well & Plan it together – Planning is definitely important when you are visiting another country and that too with your kids. Involving your kids in planning makes them excited about the trip and feel important at the same time. Ask them if they would want to visit a particular place or do a particular activity.

2. Advance Bookings – Be it your transportation, accommodation, sightseeing or a special activity you wish to do please make prior bookings for everything. One, you'll get discounted rates for advance bookings and two, you would be more relaxed as there wouldn't be anything to worry about.

3. Choose at least one adventure activity – Get playful with kids. This will help you develop a friendly bond with them. Choose a sport or any other adventure activity to let your child learn how to be safe while taking risks. Let them feel the adrenaline rush, let them be receptive to challenges.

4. Don't be anxious – It is rather easy to go on a solo trip than having a family vacation because you have to take care of everyone. Your children may end up landing you into embarrassing situations. Instead of getting angry, just laugh it out, but don't forget to politely tell them what is wrong and make it a point that they don't repeat it. A vacation is meant to have fun, so ignore the small things that make you anxious.

5. Keep some leisure time – Sometimes, we get overwhelmed and plan a lot of activities for our holiday that we end up being really exhausted. Keep it simple. Allow yourself some time to simply sit and relax and talk to each other instead of rushing all the time. A vacation is to rejuvenate our senses and grant yourself a break from your regular work and home routine.

6. Indulge yourself in a new hobby/activity – In our regular routine, we hardly find time to try something new. You may have been willing to learn a dance form or a painting style or to play a musical instrument  but couldn't for a long time. A vacation can be the perfect time to do it as you can devote as much time to it as you wish to. One thing which is important here is not to ignore the interests of your kids or spouse and other family members who are travelling with you. Your kids may want to do a painting class while your wife may want to learn a new cuisine and you would want to do something entirely different.

7. Keep Surprise elements – Well, who doesn't like surprises? Especially for children, it will be a memorable trip if you plan a surprise element for them such as a visit to an elephant village or anything that would thrill them.

Overall, a family trip allows you to know better about each other -  the dreams, aspirations and priorities nestled in the hearts of each member. With Trinetra by your side just go ahead and plan a family trip where all your needs are taken care of at value for money rates. You can enjoy your favorite destinations, accommodation and enriching activities.